Animate character or objects to a certain level on the fly. For example: a robot can be put into stasis at a preset level, while a statue can be moved over to another space while an enemy can be put back into stasis. Once the robot or statue goes into stasis, the other robot or statue can move over to replace it.

Animating an illustration character or a simple painting can be as simple as holding your finger over the screen and the screen will animate. This also applies to the ability to add additional text that does not require a separate drawing.

在 《Elements of Typographic Style》 中,作者指出,若內文設定為左右對齊,那麼一個合理的最小字距就是 M/5,也就是該段落字號大小的 1/5,大約是同一字型中 「t」的寬度。例如當字號大小為 12 pt 時,合宜的最小字距是 12 除以 5,也就是佔 2.4 pt;如果太勉強,那麼取 M/4 的 3 pt 也是可接受的。

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